N a m a :
K e l a s :
Jenis teguran : P e n
t i n g
Diberitahukan kepada wali murid dari
siswa tersebut diatas bahwa siswa bersangkutan melakukan pelanggaran tata
tertib sekolah sebagai berikut
Dimohon bapak / ibu orang tua wali murid supaya memperhatikan
putra-putrinya .
Demikian atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Mengetahui Malang,………………………………………….
Wali Siswa Tim Tata tertib SMPN 22 Malang
If you're looking to lose fat then you absolutely need to start using this brand new custom keto plan.
BalasHapusTo create this keto diet, certified nutritionists, fitness couches, and professional chefs have united to develop keto meal plans that are powerful, decent, price-efficient, and delightful.
Since their first launch in 2019, hundreds of clients have already transformed their figure and well-being with the benefits a professional keto plan can give.
Speaking of benefits; clicking this link, you'll discover eight scientifically-certified ones provided by the keto plan.